KNOW WHY, the advent of Lord Krishna is a CELEBRATION!
KNOW HOW, the Eternal Krishna Consciousness can make your Life Divine even today!
Get a deeper insight into the aspects of Divine Descent [Avataran] of Lord Krishna on Earth for the establishment of Dharma, aiding the spiritual evolution of mankind.
Musical Skits, Dance Ballets & insightful Talks
Krishna Devotees
Brahmgyani Sanyasins
Mangal Aarti of Lord Krishna
[Tribute to the Lord in the form of Devotional Hymn]
Gems of Spirituality from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
Thematic Musical Skits & Dance Ballets depicting anecdotes from the Life Saga of Lord Krishna by Brahmgyani householder disciples of Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji
Enlightening analysis of Shri Krishna Leelas by Brahmgyani Sanyasin disciples of Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji

Shri Krishna Janmashtami
Shri Krishna Janmashtami at DJJS is a unique socio-cultural-spiritual celebration presenting the life-changing wisdom imbued in Shri Krishna Leelas. From magnificent Krishna Jhankis to soul-stirring Mangal Aarti and devotional bhajans, inclusive of all the traditional flavours of the celebration, the mega-event is a unique soul-enriching package of enthralling musical skits and enlightening spiritual discourses based on life incidents of Shri Krishna. On one hand, the spell-binding dance ballets performed by the Brahmgyani disciples of Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji will take you back to the Dwapar Yuga.
While on the other hand, the insightful spiritual discourses by Divya Guru’s ascetic disciples, decoding the deep essence of Krishna Leelas will bring you a gamut of life lessons from the multifaceted persona of Jagat Guru Bhagwan Shri Krishna, all relevant to the current time.
Verily, DJJS Janmashtami is World’s only Janmashtami event that can take you from believing in Lord Krishna to SEEING Him Within. The Spiritual Seekers are imparted with the same Brahm Gyan [the Eternal Science of God-Realisation] that was given to Arjuna by Lord Krishna by which they realise the Krishna Consciousness within.
In addition, the great Indian festivities have been mindfully crafted by our saints & seers - the great Indian Psychologists to nurture the hearts of masses with the great values of Bhartiya Sanskriti & further the rich cultural heritage of India from generation to generation.
Receive the Divine Blessings of Lord Krishna
Donate for DJJS Janmashtami Dwarka Delhi 2024 mega-event!
“The Virat Swaroop darshan was neither an intellectual assessment nor hypnotism nor even a mental construction. It was direct perception, clear vision, and face-to-face encounter with the divine reality! As Arjun witnessed the Virat Swaroop of Lord Krishna, so can you too, even today. What you need is Brahm Gyan i.e. the Eternal Science of God-Realisation [Direct Perception of the Krishna Consciousness] that Lord Krishna bestowed upon Arjuna.”
Divya Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji